
fresh chinese cabbage isolated on a white background. Stack image.
Chinakohl Stk.CHF2.00
Golden shallots and one sliced half isolated on white background
Eschalotten 250gCHF2.40
Isolated ginger. One raw ginger root, top view, isolated on white background with clipping path
Ingwer KGCHF13.00
White and red cabbage vegetable isolated on a white background
Kabis rot Stück mittelCHF2.00
White and red cabbage vegetable isolated on a white background
Kabis weiss Stück mittelCHF2.00
garlic isolated on white background
Butternut squash isolated on white background
Kürbis ButternussCHF4.50
two big leeks isolated on white background
Lauch grün KGCHF4.80
two big leeks isolated on white background
Lauch grün StückCHF2.00
Parsnip isolated on the white background .
Pastinaken KGCHF6.80
Fresh beetroot isolated on white
Randen past. geschält 500g, CHF2.70
Randen roh KG
Randen roh KGCHF3.50
a pile of grated beet on a white background
Randensalat 500gCHF3.50
raw carrots isolated on white
Rüebli KGCHF3.20
Rüebli Pfälzer KG
Rüebli Pfälzer KGCHF3.50
Rüebli violette KG
Rüebli violette KGCHF4.50
Sellerie Knolle Stück
Sellerie Knolle StückCHF2.50
Sellerie Knolle Stück gross
Sellerie Knolle Stück grossCHF4.00
Sweet Potato with white background
Süsskartoffeln KGCHF9.00
Cabbage isolated on white background.Fresh roman lettuce isolated on white background.savoy cabbage on white background
Wirz StückCHF2.50
Yellow onions on white background
Zwiebeln gross KGCHF3.50
Yellow onions on white background
Zwiebeln mittel KGCHF3.50
Red sliced onion  isolated on white background
Zwiebeln rot KGCHF4.00